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Reflections on the Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary

Writer's picture: Fr. Cassian Sama, OPFr. Cassian Sama, OP

Updated: Jan 20, 2020

The First Glorious Mysteries: The Resurrection.

How many of us are like the apostles hiding in the dark room of fear, confusion, anxiety, lack of direction, shame, and regret? This was the state of the apostles in the Upper Room as Jesus, their Master, Friend, and Lord was taken away from them through His suffering an death. Just when they were experiencing hopelessness and sadness, the risen Lord appeared in their midst, uttering the most beautiful and hopeful words "Peace be with you."

What is this peace? It is God's gift to us, His assurance, and strength to carry on no matter the situations or challenges we are facing in our lives. More importantly, Jesus' gift of peace is His infallible presence to His disciples. Without this peace we cannot do His work. In short, His peace is the fruit of His forgiveness, mercy, love and abiding presence in us.

Therefore, ask for this gift of Jesus' peace in your life. When you receive it, never you lose it. For Satan will work hard to rob you of this peace. By preserving and protecting God's peace in your soul, you are actually engaging in spiritual warfare. Fight the good fight.

May Mother Mary, Our Lady of the Rosary and Help of all Christians, help us attain the peace of Christ and protect us from the temptations of the evil one. Resurrected Christ, be our peace. Amen



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